I want to make it clear. ONCE AND FOR ALL.
Allopathy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Fasting, Gym or astrology. Nothing can cure swapandosh.
Nightfall or SwapanDosh or Nocturnal Emission or Wet Dreams refers to ejaculation of semen during sleep. A person has sexual dreams and then ejaculation happens.
You feel physically weak whole day, start forgetting things, you are not be able to gain weight no matter what diet you follow.
You start losing hairs and for those who are married they suffer from premature ejaculation (Shigra patan) and not able to satisfy their partner.
You are not able to concentrate either on studies, on work or on sports.
Even when you want to concentrate you are be able to do it. Because when you feel that everything is going right, nocturnal emission happens again, and you start feeling weak and depressed again and again.
I know all the symptoms because I myself have suffered from Nocturnal Emission for 11 years and I can say that frequent nightfall affects you both physically and mentally and leaves you tired and exhausted. Besides i have also met many youngsters who face similar issue both physically and mentally.
In my case, during college years, I made some bad friends who introduced me to bad books and porn. Soon i started to masturbate daily to relieve myself which became a habit.
I realised it became a problem only when i started facing swapandosh everyday. I had to go to college but felt weak and exhausted during the day. The situation got worse day by day and i became weaker and weaker.
Each morning after Swapandosh, I woke up depressed, sometimes with suicidal feelings and found myself in complete darkness.
When i realised the situation had become worst, i told my parents and they took me to the doctor. The Doctor examined and told that it was not a problem because ejaculation happens at this age due to excessive production of semen and just prescribed some vitamins.
Though i felt little stronger after taking the vitamins but due to Swapandosh after every few days made me weaker and i was back to zero.
I also consulted ayurveda,homeopathy and tried various remedies mentioned on internet. Some techniques worked for few days or weeks and when i felt that now i was completely cured, then one day Swapandosh happened again and I felt demotivated and it kept happening again and again.
I consulted more than 15 Doctors and also tried each and every method given on internet.
Allopathic, Homoepathy, Ayurveda, Fasting, Gym, Not drinking milk, yoga, meditation and even astrology online babas and what not.
Yet, Nothing worked.
Before I delve deeper into it. Let’s see what science and Religion has to say about Nocturnal Emission.
SCIENCE says that swapandosh happens because of excessive production of semen?
But is it really true?
According to Allopathy, Nocturnal Emission is not a disease. It happens because of excessive production of semen in the body?
If this is true, then why Nightfall does not happen to each and every fertile men, just like menstruation happens to every fertile women.
Why only those men who excessively masturbate or watch porn?
However, Science and medical research though reject the fact that nocturnal emission is a disease, it has now began recognizing that semen is the vital fluid in our body and preservation is required for physical and mental wellness.
You must have heard about the NoFap Community. It is a support group for those who wish to give up pornography and masturbation.
It was founded in June 2011 by Pittsburg web developer Alexander Rhodes after reading a research which claimed that men who refrain from masturbation for seven days experience a 145.7% spike in testosterone levels on the seventh day.
As of January 6, 2024, the NoFap online community had more than 350,000 registered members who have improved their life by abstaining from wasting semen unnecessarily and focusing on important aspect of life.
Nocturnal Emission has been a cause of concern since ages and various religious texts mentions about it.
According to Jewish and Samaritan “If a man has an emission of semen, he shall bathe his whole body in water and be unclean [Hebrew tameh] until the evening. And every garment and every skin on which the semen comes shall be washed with water and be unclean until the evening.”
According to Indian Tradition “The Hindu text Manusmriti suggests Brahmans who had nocturnal emissions to bathe and chant mantras praying to return their virility. Vinaya suggests masturbation is a sin, but a nocturnal emission is not. During the third Buddhist council, it was suggested that having wet dreams as an Arhat does not count as a sin.”
Traditional East Asian medicine considered it problematic, because it was considered to be an act of evil spirits that tries to rob the life of a person. The literature suggests a “cure” for nocturnal emissions, which prescribes fried leek seeds three times a day
Not only this, I can give reference to multiple scientific studies and personal reviews by users which has been slowly gaining recognition, that shows how semen retention enhances cognitive abilities, improved fertility, memory retention, improves self esteem and develops masculinity.
So Everyone is taking about how Semen Retention and abstaining from masturbation has changed the life of many and restored men’s virility, but what about those brothers who have no control of their mind and body and could not retain semen due to nocturnal emission.
For them they are living the life of hell on earth. The situation is worse for those who suffer from Swapandosh every week.
Though I completely stayed away from Masturbation or Sexual thought yet it happened. In one of the article written by Psychologist It said that
Frequent masturbation becomes a habit and once it gets imprinted in the subconscious mind, Swapandosh happens even on those days whether a person has sexual thought or not.
Similar was the case happening with me.
Now when i go back and think what mistake i was made, I was trying to cure only the body, when the problem was connected with both the body and the mind.